Is Coldry Blasting Necessary ?
- Pollution Control Boards finally come out with very strigent rules with regard to
contaminants and the chemicals being used.
- Industrial units which employ labourers for cleaning, face a daunting task of taking
care of the health of the employees.
- India is booming and many overseas nations are seeing India as a hub and setting
up their bases. This calls for setting up of high quality systems coupled with Good
Manufacturing Practics (GMP) in the parent company as well as in their ancillaries.
(Coldry Blasting is one of the classic example of GMP ensuring high quality.
- Now-a-days, EOU units are being scrutinized by the importing nations for modern
systems to comply with certain international levels. Conventional systems have already
phased out.
- Imported machineries require Coldry blasting to ensure long life and better productivity.
Conventional cleaning will reduce their life drastically.